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Warm Nordic Silhouette

The Silhouette Collection was designed by Svend Aage Holm-Sørensen in the 1950s. Holm-Sørensen was a pioneer in Danish lighting design, with a style that evolved greatly during his career. He was an ornamental metalworker and respected the materials he worked with, showcasing them and their natural beauty. The Silhouette Collection is a beautiful example of Holm-Sørensen’s love of metals. The steel frame is free from any clutter or unnecessary details, giving a sleek and elegant aesthetic. This is paired with solid brass detailing which adds a touch of colour without becoming overstated. The overall design is minimalistic and, despite its history, still has a place in contemporary interiors to this day.

The light produced by The Silhouette is a diffused, reflected glow. This is achieved by the oval shade reflecting light from below. This surrounds the luminaire in a warm light that is both soft and welcoming. Perfect for adding atmosphere throughout the home, in bedrooms, living rooms, and offices. The Silhouette Table Lamp and Silhouette Floor Lamp can be paired together to create a consistent lighting scheme that is a true celebration of the history of Nordic lighting.

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