Unbeaten follows Tom Dixon's Beat Collection, a highly popular and widely imitated collection. Determined to combat the poor imitations, Tom Dixon set out to create pendants from thicker metal, and superior illumination and electrical components than its counterparts. This was the beginning of Unbeaten.
The Unbeaten Collection is a celebration of aluminium in its raw state. The pendants are created by skilled artisans in India using hand-spun and hand-brushed aluminium - showcasing the material in its naked form.
The pendants in The Unbeaten Collection provide a direct downwards light while the lampshades form a bold silhouette, creating an eye-catching statement in either domestic or commercial spaces. They have been created with flexibility in mind, giving you the freedom to hang them individually, or as multiples at a range of heights, ensuring they fit seamlessly within a range of decors and personal styles.