The Buds Collection was originally designed by Rodolfo Dordoni in the 1990s and has since been reimagined for Foscarini. This range of sophisticated lighting solutions is curated from 5-layer blown glass with PMMA detailing. Available as a Table Lamp or Pendant, Foscarini Buds boast 3 shapes and 3 finishes that can be utilised independently or in clusters of varying choices. Choose between a more minimalistic white or grey, or a slightly more adventurous green finish.
The curved silhouette of the Foscarini Buds luminaires appears cool when turned off but when illuminated they highlight a warmer silhouette. Thanks to the material and shape of the shade, Buds cast a soft inviting luminance across the surrounding area and are a perfect lighting solution for living rooms, dining areas, bedrooms and entryways.