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Victor Carrasco

Victor Carrasco / Image Credits: Vibia
Victor Carrasco was born in Valencia in 1974, he is now a renowned Spanish designer, who's career path began during his studies at Polytechnic University of Valencia. Carrasco studied industrial design engineering, and his passion for learning helped him to get a name for himself in the world of design.

He has since collaborated with various international brands and won a collection of awards; including the Príncipe Felipe Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence, German Design Award, IF Design Award or the Iconic Awards 2022: Best of Innovative Material.

Carrasco steers clear of fast moving trends and fads, preferring to place international brands at the centre of the market, with remarkable value, sustainable growth and a pragmatic vision of the future. Carrasco is also the founder of Viccarbe, a Valencia based furniture company. Viccarbe showcases the value and references for contemporary style , with wide range products for comfortable living. It is distinguished by great simplicity, innovate elegance and global brand awareness.

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