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Kaare Klint

Kaare Klint Designer Profile
Kaare Klint was a famous Danish architect, artist and designer and was a part of the iconic Klint family. His father, P.V. Jensen Klint, was an architect and engineer best known for designing the renowned Grundtvig’s Church (which Kaare Klint completed after his father’s death in 1930) and his brother, Tage Klint, founded the lighting brand Le Klint.

A thoroughly talented individual, Kaare Klint’s early career centred around furnishings and architecture which solidified his stance of instigating functionalism in early 20th century Danish design. In the 1920s he was the head at the School of Furniture Design, teaching and inspiring many future designers who would make a big mark in the design world.

Working alongside his brother to develop the Le Klint brand, Kaare Klint created the Lantern 101 pendant which is still popular today and was used on the original logo when the brand was founded. His artistic vision and strive for perfection makes all of Klint’s designs a stunning addition to any interior and his legacy in the furniture and lighting world still burns brightly in the 21st century.
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